Looking at the weather this morning, I can’t believe how lucky we were yesterday to get such a great day for flying.  Light winds for most of the day, meant that we got a great turnout of members; at it’s peak I think we had twenty cars.

BMAC 15-10-16

This led to the rare sight of multiple members gathered on the flight line actually flying rather than just passing the time with a good chat.

BMAC 15-10-16

At least for some of them.

BMAC 15-10-16

It was also an opportunity to see the array of fantastic models our club members have.

Take a look here at our Flikr Gallery – https://www.flickr.com/photos/137347327@N06/with/29724118624/

Dave ‘the Jet Man’ (as my kids refer to him), now 90% recovered from his slight mishap, was also out with his latest acquisition. An extremely striking jet!


Let us not forget that special interest group, the ‘Control Line Flyers’ who continue to please everyone else with their shenanigans.

BMAC 15-10-16

Finally please note that the AGM is preliminarily scheduled for Monday December 5th 2016 at the usual location. More information to follow.